Lorenzo Maccotta is a french-Italian photographer and videomaker, author of personal, corporate, institutional and editorial projects.
After graduating in Philosophy at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 2005, he studied at Roman School of Photography and began his activity in documentary photography collaborating with Doctors without Borders.
Represented by Contrasto Agency since 2013, his work is focused on transformations of contemporary global society. It has been published by the most relevant international medias and exhibited in museums as well as in public spaces and galleries worldwide.
Lorenzo Maccotta est un photographe et vidéaste franco-italien, auteur de projets personnels, corporate, institutionnels et éditoriaux. Après avoir obtenu un diplôme en philosophie à l’Université de Rome “La Sapienza” en 2005, il a étudié à l’École romaine de la photographie et a commencé son activité dans la photographie documentaire en collaborant avec Médecins Sans Frontières. Représenté par l’agence Contrasto depuis 2013, son travail est axé sur les transformations de la société mondiale contemporaine. Il a été publié par les médias internationaux et exposé dans des musées ainsi que dans des espaces publics et des galeries à travers le monde.
CNN Photos, BBC, Time Lightbox, Financial Times, People, GEO, GEO Kompakt, Stern, NEON, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, TAZ, ADAC Reisemagazin, DB Mobil, Internazionale, L’Espresso, The Official Ferrari Magazine, VICE, IL – Il Maschile de Il Sole 24 ORE, Panorama, Sette, Sportweek, GQ, Vanity Fair, Marie Clair, VO+, Io Donna, D la Repubblica delle donne, Monthly Photography, L’Hebdo, Migros Magazine, Le Point, Les Echos Week end, Courrier International, Télérama, Delayed Gratification.
Apple, Everlane, Turin Industrial Union, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Assicurazioni Generali, CAP Holding, Angelini Holding, The Official Ferrari Magazine, CAMERA – Italian Center for Photography.
2020: Future history – Alma Mater (Contrasto).
2018: La linea dell’acqua (Contrasto).
2008 Pastori – un indagine sul territorio laziale (Punctum press).
2022: “Climate Change Italia”, MAXXI, Rome.
2018: “The line of the water”, Museo della Permanente, Milan.
2018: “The Gallery Generali”, Subway station Tre Torri, Milan.
2018: “Milan Digital Week – Futuro Presente”, BASE, Milan.
2017: “Sony World Photography Awards”, Villa Reale, Monza.
2017: “Sony World Photography Awards”, Somerset House, London.
2015: “Beating Sunday: frontières”, URCA Asbl, Bruxelles.
2014: “Open Museum/Open City” MAXXI, Rome.
2014: ”Fotografia Festival Internazionale di Roma”, MACRO Rome.
2013: ”Fotografia Festival Internazionale di Roma”, MACRO Rome.
2012: “Phc Capalbio fotografia”, Capalbio.
2011: ”Fotografia Festival Internazionale di Roma”, MACRO Testaccio, Rome.
2011: “Fotodocks Festival” Münchner Stadtmuseum, Munich.
2011: “Menotrentuno Festival”, Spazio Tiscali, Cagliari.
2010: “Fotoleggendo”, Mandeep Photography and beyond, Rome.
2009: “Re-imagine Europe”, De Queeste art gallery, Bruxelles
2022: SUGI x NAVA photography contest.
2017: Sony World Photography Award, Contemporary Issues.
2014: Moscow International Photography Awards, Honorable mention.
2011: Ponchielli Award – GRIN Photoeditors.
Rome University of Fine Arts.
Raffles Milan – Institute of Fashion and Design.
Richmond University in Rome.
Officine Fotografiche.
Roman School of Photography.
All content on this site © 2024 Lorenzo Maccotta. All rights reserved.